4 Hábitos Para Mudar o Mundo

Intelligence applied to waste disposal and reuse


Tons of waste have already been recovered and recycled by our community

Our customers have full governance over their waste and its socio-environmental impact

We are focused on bringing solutions for maximum reuse of waste generated in large generators

In addition to reducing the cost of collection and disposal in the sanitary landfill, we define the destination of waste according to its best economic and socio-environmental vocation.

We bring a comprehensive waste governance solution to facilitate corporate certification processes.

We operate from the generating source to the best destination

We have implemented an intelligent disposal process that increases high separation performance.

We send the organics for composting, preferably on site.

All recyclables enter the circular economy chain and we are still preparing a more sustainable destination for waste that has better solutions than using the landfill.

We align our work with the demand of all businesses to reduce costs and impact, and strengthen their relationship with their community

All businesses need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This is an urgent and common global agenda for all. Our work has this added value to our customers who eliminate emissions through waste and even start to generate credit from our solutions!

In addition to reducing waste management costs by large generators, our customers also contribute to reducing environmental impact, with much less use of sanitary landfills and dumps in municipalities that do not yet have this equipment.

In addition to neutralizing GHG emissions with your company's waste, we deliver daily data for certification in seals and awards.

The result of our work is the mitigation of GHG emissions generated by our customers’ waste and, many times, the generation of carbon credits. In addition, we capture daily data on our platform, so that you can increase your company’s score in certifications and awards.

Our customers quickly achieve a high level of waste recovery

Our delivery of value already appears in the first month of our operation.

See our community results below:





R$ 8.051,20


Our Team


O que a mídia diz sobre a 4H


Partnerships and Accelerations

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Contact us

61. 96646394
SCS Quadra 9 Torre C salas 1001 a 1003 Edifício Parque Cidade Corporate l Asa Sul
CEP 70308-200 l Brasília. DF

© 2018-2020 – 4 Hábitos Para Mudar o Mundo